8 Hard-Hitting Questions to Ask Your Home Designer, Builder, or Contractor Before You Build

October 18, 2023

Home redesigning, remodeling, or building is a huge undertaking, but hiring professionals can help you reduce stress. When starting a new project, it’s crucial to establish clear communication lines and ensure you’re all on the same page from the beginning. These 8 essential questions for a potential designer, builder, or contractor can help you avoid common misunderstandings from the get-go.

“What does the process look like?”

Any professional interior designer, builder, or contractor should be able to immediately give you a clear-cut overview of precisely what their process entails, from consultation to planning, execution, and final touches. Knowing what to expect every step of the way can help you focus on what’s important: designing a home you love.

“Have you worked on similar projects?”

If they have experience in the same vein as your project, it’s all the more reassuring that you’re in the right hands. If they haven’t done something exactly like the project you have in mind, though, it’s not a deal breaker! The quality of their work should shine in their portfolio.

“How would you describe your style? What are your specialties?”

If you have a particular style in mind or a very niche project–a complete kitchen remodel(Optional Backlink to 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Remodeling Your Kitchen), for example–it’s always nice to know if your designer is familiar or even excels in that area.

“Does this design/service come with any warranties?”

This question is one people are likely to skip over before beginning a home remodeling or building project. Knowing if and what part of your investment is protected while settling into your home can save you a headache in the long run–or at least provide peace of mind in the meantime.

“Who’s handling the permit process?”

You might assume that will always fall under the professional’s scope of work, but sometimes it falls to the homeowner to apply for and secure permits for building or remodeling a home. Asking this up front keeps it from falling through the cracks and prevents avoidable permit-related delays.

“Do you have insurance?”

Insurance is a no-brainer–if something disastrous happens during or after your build because of an oversight or other related incident, insurance can protect you and your contractor. It’s also not uncommon to ask for a copy of their insurance on file, just in case.

“What kind of daily schedule can I expect?”

During any project–but especially an extensive, multi-week or -month one–knowing when people will be in and out of your home is key to planning your days. Ask for a general overview of what time your contractor is typically expected to arrive and depart each day, but be prepared to be flexible!

“What kind of clean-up is involved in a project like mine, and who handles it?”

Again, assumptions can be wrong when it comes to who is responsible for what, and asking about who bears the responsibility to clean any messes that arise from construction or demolition is non-negotiable.

Have Your Own Questions? Ask Away!

Contact us to discuss your project any time–we’re happy to answer your design and building questions and provide a quote for your upcoming home remodeling project.

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