Streamlining Client Communication: Our Favorite Systems and Software Programs

May 16, 2023

At Moonstone Design & Build, we provide a well-planned, seamless, and stress-free client experience. To achieve this, we rely on a carefully curated selection of systems and software programs that facilitate efficient communication with our clients. In this blog post, we will introduce you to our favorite tools and explain how they contribute to enhancing our client interactions.

Lidia Valdivia - Home Remodeling Expert

Dubsado: Simplifying Initial Client Interactions

Dubsado is our chosen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for handling essential forms such as the Initial Client Questionnaire, Design Questionnaires, Proposals, Contracts, and Feedback Forms. We love Dubsado because it consolidates most initial client information, eliminating the need for multiple software applications. By centralizing these tasks, we make the client’s experience smoother and more straightforward, allowing us to focus on delivering exceptional service. When working with our clients and sending an initial proposal, we always send an initial mood board on Dubsado to give them a feel of what allowances are included in their proposal. 

Materio: Streamlining the Design Process

Materio serves as our project management system, enabling seamless communication during the design phase. It houses various elements critical to the design process, including plans, design selections, discussions, budgets, procurement tracking, and timesheets. 

Sample project: 

One standout feature of Materio is its real-time visibility to our clients regarding their allowances on finishes. This transparency ensures that clients are continuously informed about the progress of their projects and have insights into delivery schedules and installation details for various items. 

Additionally, Materio keeps our entire team organized, facilitating efficient collaboration among electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. 

QuickBooks: Secure Invoicing and Payment Management

QuickBooks, a widely used accounting software for small business owners, plays a pivotal role in managing our invoicing and payment processes. With over 7 million customers globally, QuickBooks provides a safe and reliable platform for our clients to pay their invoices conveniently. It serves as the centralized hub for all invoice-related communication, ensuring seamless transactions and efficient financial management between Moonstone and our clients.

Loom: Visual Communication Made Easy

Loom is our preferred video recording system, allowing us to create video tours of proposed floor plans and finishes selections. This visual medium enhances our communication capabilities, enabling us to provide clients with immersive and detailed presentations. 

By leveraging Loom, we can effectively convey design ideas, showcase various options, and address clients’ questions or concerns. This visual element fosters better understanding and facilitates collaborative decision-making throughout the design process.

Calendly: Streamlined Meeting Scheduling

We utilize Calendly, a meeting scheduling system to simplify meeting and call scheduling. At Moonstone Design & Build, we understand the value of efficient time management, and Calendly helps us achieve that. Our clients can effortlessly schedule appointments for discovery meetings, design consultations, walkthroughs, and other important interactions. By eliminating back-and-forth emails or phone calls, Calendly ensures that both parties can conveniently find mutually suitable meeting times, streamlining the scheduling process.


I spend way too much time on Pinterest, more than I would like to admit, but it’s a great source of inspiration for ideas for anything: gardening, remodels, tiling, etc.! At Moonstone, we use Pinterest to create boards to collaborate with our clients on ideas and better understand what they like. It doesn’t specifically have to be about tile, but it’s more about what they feel connected to! We want your home to feel like it connects with your personality & lifestyle. 

Example board:

Experience The Highest Level of Service with Our Tech-Enabled Approach to Home Remodeling

At Moonstone, we prioritize providing an exceptional client experience by leveraging robust systems and software programs for seamless communication. Dubsado, Materio, QuickBooks, Loom, and Calendly are some of our favorite tools that enable us to streamline client interactions, simplify project management, enhance visual communication, and facilitate efficient scheduling. By integrating these systems into our workflow, we ensure that our clients receive the highest level of service, allowing them to enjoy a stress-free and rewarding partnership with Moonstone Design & Build. 

Ready to experience the Moonstone difference for yourself? Contact us today!


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